Bringing Your New Puppy Home.

All our new puppies will need to stay with their mamas for at least 8 weeks after they are born. Once your puppy has been fully weaned, you have three options on how to get your new best friend; pick him or her up from us, ground transport shipping, or through a flight nanny service.

Picking Up Your Puppy.

Picking up your new puppy from us is the easiest way to bring your new best friend home. After 8 weeks, you can come over and pick him or her up. Just give us a date and we’d be more than happy to accommodate you. You will also receive a hand book and other fun items to help with the transition to your home.

Shipping Options.

We absolutely love each and every one of our darling puppies. We want to make sure that they are completely safe and comfortable during transit. At least before traveling we will secure their health certificate and other necessary documents.

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